Tag Day

Saturday. September 16, 2023

Tag Day is one of the biggest annual fundraisers for Tabb’s band program. All proceeds benefit and go directly to the band.

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How does Tag Day work? We divide the entire Tabb High School district into sectors and send small groups out to each area to collect donations from local residents. Band members meet at pre-designated band family houses within each sector, at 9:00am, for a quick breakfast (donuts, juice, etc.). Then each group goes door to door within their designated zone, soliciting donations for the Band. They return to the host house for lunch (pizza, soda, etc.). Because students stay in their sector, no house is solicited more than once. Students MUST wear a Tabb Tiger Band show theme T-shirt. We need adult volunteers to offer their homes as meeting places. This is a very important fundraiser, and one that requires the participation and enthusiasm of all band members and many parent volunteers.

  • Host House:  Location where students will stage prior to beginning TAG day and a location for students to go to the bathroom and get a snack/drink. 
  • Driver:  Will drive students to their respective area (usually near Host House) and then be near the students as they are knocking on doors.  Additionally, collect and track how much money the team has.  It is recommended to periodically collect so students don’t have large amount of cash as they are approaching houses.  If driving to an area, recommend having water in case they run out.

For more information, please contact the TTBP VP Fundraising, Liz Coffey, at ttbp.fundraising@gmail.com.